For members of GuardiansWorlds.com, I have installed a new IM. I have not had the chance to test it out fully yet. But, from what I have tested, it's pretty sweet. :P So now, you can use the chat rooms or use the IM. To use the IM, just look in the Users Block to the left, and click on Instant Messenger link. That will bring up the IM. There is one really sweet thing about this IM. If you work or go to school at a place that does not allow yahoo or other IM's this one will work. This IM runs through my website. So, there is no software that you need to install. As long as your browser supports JAVA, you should be good to go. :mrgreen: One thing though... You and your friends have to be a member of the site... That'z a given I would guess. :P
So, for any guest wanting to use this, all you need to do is sign up as a member. This is a free site, so there is no charge of any kind. Hope everyone enjoys this new feature.
Thanks, Guardian