For all members that have been unable to post in the forums or send PM's(when doing so getting an "Invalid Session" message). This problem should be fixed. When I updated the message board, I did not configure the cookie setup, so that should be the reason members where unable to post and send PM's. If you are a member and you still having problems posting in the forums or sending PM's. Please try erasing your cookies, or well at least the cookie to this site, this should take care of the problem. Or you may have to wait until the cookie expires, which should be 1 hour... But I think IE has issues sometimes with cookies.. I have found from other PHP nuke message boards that Fire Fox seems to not have a problem, it would work even when the cookie was not setup correct.
If you have any further questions or need help, send me an email to [email protected]
Thanks, Guardian
Look over the message for typos ans such, it's late and I'm getting ready to head to bed. :)