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Online Gaming: Easier way to connect to my Trade Wars 2002 server... :)
Hello. :) Letting everyone know. That in the downloads area, over on the modules block to the left. Go to downloads, then go to Trade Wars 2002 files. Download the Gath file helper. Install the file, then just add my servers info and then connect to the server. The server IP is and port is 23. This makes it a lot easier to connect to the server. Also, if for some reason you start the program and connect to my server and the text is all messed up. Go to options, then go to Terminal, then go to Font Select, then make sure the font is set on Terminal, Regular, 9. You can try other fonts and sizes to see if they work, but that one works on mine and my little brothers computer. So, it seems to be a good one to go with. Hope to see more of you in the Trade Wars 2002 Universe. :) I'm hoping to soon have some more info and help files on the game. To help people better understand it and know what it is. It's not much of a graphical game. It's mainly text base. But it is reallly fun. Think of it as kinda like a space RP, but with few graphics. It's sweet, and I highly recommend people give it a try. If you need help, just make leave a message in the forums area and I'll help you the best I can. Also, it is a free game. It's all server side. The file you download is only used to connect you to the server. So, hey, it's a free game to try. :)
Thanks, Guardian
Posted by Guardian on Wednesday, July 12 @ 17:05:14 UTC (3626 reads)
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Online Gaming: Heavens Knights have returned.... :D
I have decided to start a clan, and I figured I would bring back the old clan I was over when Quake II was the sweet game to play. :D Yes, it's been a while, but I have had several people asking me over and over again, about when I will start a clan up. So, as of now, Heavens Knights{HK's} are now recruiting for members. :D
Posted by guardian on Saturday, June 10 @ 21:03:36 UTC (2021 reads)
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Online Gaming: Servers are back up... IP change on servers...
Hey, for any of you that tried to access my server the last day, probably found that they where not up. My internet provider changed my IP with out letting me know nor did they post about it on their own website. I have the servers back up and running. Plus I'm sure it might of slowed down the log on, when you came to guardiansworlds.com website. Hopefully all will go smooth now. To check the new IP look in the message board under the Server info or you can see the IP listed on the server spy windows.
Thanks, Guardian
Posted by guardian on Saturday, February 25 @ 18:09:22 UTC (4146 reads)
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Online Gaming: Having ISP(Internet Service Provider) problems again :-(
Hello, for all the users that have been tring to access and have accessed my gaming servers and all of the other servers I have running. You have probably experienced a lot of lag, it is due to my ISP(Internet Service Provider) again, this happened before a few months ago. I hope this time it does not take as long for them to upgrade/fix whatever they are working on. Sorry again and Thanks, Guardian
Posted by guardian on Saturday, February 04 @ 11:12:39 UTC (2616 reads)
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Online Gaming: Tribes Vengeance server down
For the time being the Tribes Vengeance server will be down. I will be tring to decide weather to bring the server back up or replace Tribes with another game to serve. I will keep you posted when I make the decision. Thanks, Guardian
Posted by guardian on Saturday, January 28 @ 16:42:56 UTC (2666 reads)
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Online Gaming: Team Speak Server Up for Guardians Worlds Members
Yeap, added a Team Speak Server for the members of my website. If your a member and want to use the teamspeak server. Just send me a private message with what password you want to use for it and I will use your user name and the password you give me so you will be able to log onto the team speak server. If you have any questions just send me a private message or post it in the message board area. You can download the client from my FTP server or go to http://www.goteamspeak.com/ and download the client teamspeak software. To find out the IP and port go to the message board to the area I have made for all the server info, and you can find the info there. :-) Thanks, Guardian
Posted by guardian on Thursday, January 26 @ 18:39:56 UTC (2565 reads)
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Online Gaming: HALO CE RCON and Other INIT.txt file command Write UP coming very soon...
Hey, just letting everyone know that I have almost completed the write up on the RCON and Other init.txt commands. I was really wanting to finish it by tonight, but it has taken longer than I explected and I should have it posted tomorrow night as long as all goes well and I'm able to work on it tomorrow afternoon. :-) I think everyone will like it, as it is as detailed as the other write ups. So, please keep check and I would like to thank those that have already become members of GuardiansWorlds.com and welcome others to join also. As a member please take full advantage of the stuff I have on my site, I'll be adding more for members as time goes, just have to find time on my days off from work. :-) I have the chat rooms you can use, PM's, message board, there is an area you can post pics, where it says Guardians Worlds Pic Gallery just click on the Graphic to go there, also if you have XFIRE, please let me know so I can add you to the members of XFIRE list for other members to see what games you are playing. I have allowed 10meg of space for right now for those who would like to post pics in the Gallery, I may allow more or less depending on the amount of members and the amount of space that my host will give to me. Again, thanks to those that have become members and thanks also for guest that visit my site, but please join if you would like to take part of a hopefully growing GuardiansWorlds gaming/cars and other topic group/community or should I say Worlds ;-) Thanks, Guardian
Posted by guardian on Monday, December 19 @ 17:36:14 UTC (4076 reads)
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Online Gaming: NEW HALO 3 90% GAURENTEED
xtrasharp writes "I was online searching halo on xbox and i got a link to bungies home page with an article assuring there 90% sure there will be a halo 3 (for xbox 360 more than likley)in the up coming years ILL CHECK IT OUT MORE AND GET THE DETAILS LATER"
Posted by guardian on Monday, December 12 @ 16:42:10 UTC (2755 reads)
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Online Gaming: Added how to setup a Halo CE dedicated server in the message board area
I have had several people ask me while I have been playing Halo CE how to setup a CE dedicated server. So I have made a write up on how to start one and have added it to the message board area on guardiansworlds.com Just go to the message board and it is under INFO ABOUT GUARDIANSWORLDS SERVERS. Go there and you should see it. I will be making another write up on how to add custom maps to you server or to your Halo CE game, it's the same either way. Hope this helps people that needed help setting a server up, and also, I hope more people join the site and use it's features like, the message board, chat room, and if you are on xfire let me know if you would like me to add you to the xfire members list on guardiansworlds when you become a member of guardiansworlds. So other members can see you online and see what games you are playing when they visit guardiansworlds as a member. Thanks, Guardian.
Posted by guardian on Wednesday, December 07 @ 18:13:49 UTC (3060 reads)
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Online Gaming: Xfire list for GuardiansWorlds.com
Hello everyone. If any register user wants me to add them to the Xfire members area on the main page of GuardiansWorlds.com. As you should see mine listed below the Tribes server stats. Just send me an email with your Xfire user name or add me to your xfire, my name is guardiannknight, and then just send me a message letting me know if you want me to add you to the list on my website. This will be a good way of letting other gamers know where your at so they can join in with you. Or just make a post in the forum/message board area in the online game section letting me know your xfire user name and if you want me to add you to the guardiansworlds xfire list. Only register users are allowed to see the xfire list, just figured I would add that, just in case any guest was wondering where it was. Thanks, Guardian
Posted by guardian on Tuesday, November 22 @ 09:39:16 UTC (2740 reads)
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Online Gaming: Halo CE Maps...
I have noticed a lot of people drop off when some of the custom maps load on the Halo CE server. If you want to be able to play all the maps that is on my server. You can download them from my FTP server or go to www.halomaps.org. Thanks, Guardian. :-)
Posted by guardian on Sunday, November 13 @ 15:42:46 UTC (3387 reads)
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Online Gaming: Halo CE clan for GuardiansWorlds
Hello everyone, I was asked today during a game of Halo CE if I would start a clan up for Halo CE. I don't think that'z a bad idea. I'm thinking about the name so give me a few days. :-) I will be making a section in the message board for it under the gaming area. Thanks, Jeff
Posted by guardian on Sunday, October 30 @ 17:21:22 UTC (4581 reads)
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Online Gaming: Servers down due to ISP problems again...
Letting everyone know that all the gaming servers and FTP server will be down until my ISP fixes my connection speed. Yet again, they have some how managed to slow me down to a crawl. I'm sorry for anyone that has used the servers the past week or so, I have noticed little by little the slow down and now it's down to a crawl. I hope my ISP will get this fixed soon, once again, I'm sorry for the bad connection speeds the past week or so and especially the last few days. I'll post more info soon about the problem. Thanks, Guardian
Posted by guardian on Sunday, October 16 @ 19:03:06 UTC (2736 reads)
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Online Gaming: QUAKE 4 COMING OUT 10/18/05 :-)
Yeap, I will have my special edition copy Tuesday hopefully, if not Tuesday, then Wednesday I will have my copy. :-) I plan on having a server running for the game. I'll give more details after I get the game. Thanks, Guardian
Posted by guardian on Sunday, October 16 @ 02:45:15 UTC (1478 reads)
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Online Gaming: More maps added to Halo CE server
I have added some more maps to the Halo CE server. You can download them from my FTP server or just do a search in Google for Halo CE maps, and you will be sure to find all kinds of maps. However, if you download them from my FTP server, then you will know that you have the maps I have running on my Halo CE server. Enjoy... Thanks, Guardian
Posted by guardian on Thursday, October 06 @ 19:18:31 UTC (1521 reads)
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Online Gaming: Added new maps to Halo CE server
Hello everyone, wanted to let everyone know that I added some new maps to my Halo CE server. You can download them from my FTP Server. The infomation for the FTP Server is in the message board under server info. Enjoy and thanks, Guardian
Posted by guardian on Sunday, October 02 @ 11:41:17 UTC (3366 reads)
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Online Gaming: Servers will be down for a little while...
Letting everyone know that the gaming and FTP servers will be down from now until tomorrow night. They may be up sooner but just to be on the safe side, they will more than likely be up tomorrow night around 10 or 11pm est. Thanks, Guardian
Posted by guardian on Wednesday, September 28 @ 22:13:23 UTC (1371 reads)
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Online Gaming: Servers will be down for a little while....
Hello everyone, letting everyone know that all the gaming servers and the FTP server will be down for the rest of tonight until probably Monday afternoon. This is due to bad Thunder Storms from what's left of Hurricane Rita heading this way. Thanks, Guardian
Posted by guardian on Sunday, September 25 @ 22:27:19 UTC (1413 reads)
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Online Gaming: Stats Program
I just wanted to drop a quick note, letting everyone know that I am still looking for a stats program for Halo CE and Tribes Vengeance. Hopefully soon I will find one and I'll be able to show stats for those two games just like I do for the Quake III servers. Thanks, Guardian
Posted by guardian on Saturday, September 24 @ 21:17:31 UTC (1366 reads)
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