well, since i'm either blind or there isn't one, but I've not seen a spot specific for reporting players for horrible behavior in game but hey. guess this is as good as any.
So, a player named SHOOTSALOT came into the server as a level 0 portal assassin.
first thought, oh boy, this is going to end swell.
Tell him don't spam the portal gun, it'll crash people.
he continues to spam the portal gun everywhere. lo and behold, round starts instantly crash out.
get back in the server, hes STILL spamming the damn gun over and over, tell him to knock that shit off and its going to crash half the fucking server again.
doesn't listen. continues to spam the portal gun over and over. next round, 3 people crash out only me and him left. tell him, GG portal
He then proceeds to spend the round trying to kill me with the portal gun as i was an S.Tech
only managing to kill himself with his own portal, then throughout the trader round spends the time trying to kill me again.
round starts, i crash out AGAIN. get fed up with it, make this report.